Distance Learning

As a staff we are committed to ensuring our children continue to learn at Hendre Infants School. We understand that there may be times of illness, caring for the vulnerable and caring for other children within the home and this must be the priority for the community. However, we will endeavour to support our learners at this time to continue to learn and grow. Using our resources and resources supplied through Welsh Government we aim to ensure all children have equal access to online provision.

We aim to;

  1. Provide lessons for maintaining and developing literacy, numeracy and digital skills
  2. Share ideas for building resilience and reflection on personal well-being
  3. Offer opportunities to maintain connections with teaching and support staff and peers through live streaming stories and lessons.
  4. To the best of our ability ensure the equality of teaching and learning for all our pupils.
  5. Provide an engaging and well-balanced curriculum using digital resources and apps that allow pupils to develop skills practically as well as digitally

 What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is where pupils cannot be physically present at school and cannot access school to learn. Therefore, their learning will mostly take place online. Where possible, it is important that children complete the work set. Distance learning has developed over the 12 weeks since all children and staff have been absent from school. Staff, pupil and parental skills in this form of teaching and learning have developed and continue to develop using new websites and apps for teaching. Since the beginning we have used TEAMs through Hwb. Staff have completed many online training events arranged through Hwb that are now improving our ability to teach remotely. As this is something new for all of us, we will endeavour to improve the service as we all get used to it.

What is Blended Learning?

Blended Learning is where the pupils and staff are present in school within their bubble and the remaining children are engaged in online learning with them. This is a new concept for us at Hendre Infants, but one we are keen to develop to allow full access to all pupils where possible.

Teacher Role

Work will be set by teachers using a learning platform e.g.: Hwb, Dojo, YouTube, Lexia, Purple Mash, Reading Eggs & Mathletics.  These are websites or apps the children or parents use regularly. Not all children will use the same so don’t worry if your child doesn’t know what they are. All the passwords you will need have been given to the children.

Teachers will plan weekly and share this planning via Dojo with the links to relevant websites. Planning includes both practical activities and recorded lessons to follow. It may include the use of IT such as lexia or online workbooks.

As Foundation Phase we will offer a balance of practical activities that may be photographed and uploaded to Dojo as a record of their learning but also activities will be completed online, and teachers will be able to see the progression the children are making. Occasionally we may ask the pupil to carry out an experiment; growing seeds, organise tins and packets according to weight, or drawing or making a model. These would need to be photographed and uploaded onto Dojo for the teachers to see. Teachers will be able to monitor pupil’s engagement in activities and the outcome through these methods.

You can read more in our Hendre Distance Blended Learning Policy.

Our vision for Blended Learning